Last weekend my son and I put together our first semi Hybrid Car Conversion Kit to see how it would work.
For just under $120 we collected the material we needed from our local hardware store following the do-it-yourself conversion guide, and managed to piece it all together in about 4 hours.
There was a little bit of jiggery pokery involved in putting it together but nothing a laymen can't figure out, so you can avoid the mechanics fee.
We jumped on this bandwagon after my youngest son converted his car and wouldn't shut up about how lazy I was that I didn't take a few hours out my day to install this hydrogen kit which should supposedly save me cash loads and offer other benefits.
Well, it's been a month since I finally managed to shut him up by installing it in the engine department of my land cruiser and I must admit there are number of definite notable differences.
The engine I'm sure feels quieter and more responsive and the temperature has lowered some margin. With less carbon emissions I feel like I'm doing my bit for the environment but I can't lie and tell you that real reason why I installed this hybrid conversion kit was to help mother earth.
With my wife barking in my ear about trading in our car for some Toyota Yarris- God Forbid! It was with trepidation that I followed my sons advice. The clever little chap sure wasn't kidding about reducing my gas bill though.
It really has made a marked difference on the frequency I visit the pump. Getting approximately 40% extra out of a full tank has forced me to bite my tongue and concede that this truly is a wonderful way to get much more from your tank.
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