Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Are You Ready to be Exceptional and Fill the Leadership Gap

Are You Ready
Are You Ready to be Exceptional and Fill the Leadership Gap

forty% of organizations say they dont have enough qualified leaders.  Plus, the recent recession has lost thousands of jobs including leadership positions.  Add to that the retiring of Baby Boomers and you can see the opportunity awaiting for people like you.  Finally the economy is growing again offering people the opportunity to step up.

There are numerous "secrets" that great leaders have used to develop and support their daily performance, and yes, you can learn them by simply practicing certain "micro-initiatives" that have a macro impact.  It's a matter of improving your emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) has long been recognized as being core to good leadership and career success.  Dr. Rueven Bar-On coined the term EQ instead of IQ in 1985, and Dr. Daniel Goleman popularized it with his book Emotional Intelligence tem years later.  The Hay Group with Dr. Goleman and Richard Boyatis developed a model that I use that breaks emotional intelligence into "competencies" grouped in four clusters, Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Other Awareness and Relationship Management.

It's been my area of expertise for over 20 years, focusing on how to practical skills. EI is the key to managing your own skills and managing and developing others so that exceptional leadership is the result.  It starts with assessing yourself, learning your strengths in each cluster and the challenges that "derail" you from top performance.  Then we create an Action Plan to focus your daily practice and grow your leadership to top performance.
From my decades of experience as a Psychologist and Master Certified Coach working with top executives and their teams in Fortune 100 companies, Ive accumulated numerous insights, strategies and shortcuts to achieving exceptional  performance. In addition, I have had the pleasure and honor to interview over 250 leadership gurus, authors and neuroscience experts on my Leadership Development News VoiceAmerica radio show with 95,000 listeners co-hosted by Dr. Cathy Greenberg and myself.

My vision is to help people grow, be less on  automatic and  more conscious in order to make better decisions and be exceptional leaders.  Now I can offer that to everyone, even if you're not a employee of a Fortune 100 company. 

To make these tools accessible to individuals and companies, I've developed numerous resources, tools and now webinars that guide you and your teams to top performance.  The first opportunity is to join my free membership site, eiCentral, where you'll find great resources to get started, and then to step up into our paid memberships according to your level of dedication to progress as a leader:

eiFocus, which gives you my 20-Day Focus for Top Performance and additional resources,
eiSecrets, a one-of-a-kind curriculum for organizational development that includes monthly webinars stepping you and your teams through each competency.

If you act now, you can sign up for eiFocus, get a 21 day trial to experience all three levels, and then choose the path most appropriate for you.  Click here to learn more and get started.

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