Monday, May 21, 2018

Would Having Cars That Drive Themselves Be a Good or Bad Idea

Would Having Cars That Drive Themselves Be a Good or Bad Idea
Would Having Cars That Drive Themselves Be a Good or Bad Idea

Ever wondered whether you would always like to have control over your car or have it completely automated so that it drives itself? Would that be a good idea? Let's dive into the discussion. Read on to find out.

Having a car completely automated would mean it will act as a robot in response to sensors and other activators. Would you like to give full control to your car and let it decide everything? Are you comfortable with the idea?

As for me, I am not. I would at least like to have control over my car via remote controls or something similar.

If my car drove itself, I wouldn't be fully aware if it is responding correctly to sensors and activators all the time. I wouldn't be aware of any problems it is facing until some damage or accident happens. So I am unwilling to take the risk especially if I am on a ride with my family.

What if a fully automated car could give me warning signs? The problem still exists in that whether I am able to fix the problem myself or even trace a gas station nearby. Again I am unwilling to take the risk and would like to have some control over my car.

It would be nice, on the other hand, to let all the burden of driving to my car itself. I would just have to give the instructions to the car and it would take me to my desired destination(s). It would be fun going on rides like that with friends and family as well but the pressure and worry would still be there at the back of my mind about the risks I have talked about earlier. So which type of car would you prefer?

Judging the pros and cons of having a car that drives itself, I have to conclude that it is not that great an idea. It is always great to let the glasses down and my hair down, be seated in the driver's seat, look for traffic signals and carefully drive the car myself. I would like to have power over my beautiful car and actually drive it and enjoy.

Better still, a fully automated car should have the option of giving its control over to the owner of the car on the road so that he is able to guide it and actually drive it when things go astray. Having this option as well gives the owners of cars that drive themselves some level of relief, protection and safety.

What would be your opinion on this? Would you opt for a fully automated or partially automated version of your car? Think about it and I think you will agree with me.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Why You Want to Buy Used Cars Online

Why You Want to Buy Used Cars Online
Why You Want to Buy Used Cars Online

As more and more people choose the Internet as their preferred way to shop for goods and services, buying used cars online has become a great industry. When you want to get a used car for sale the Internet is the place where you want to be, but there are several things that you'll need to look at before you pick from all the online car dealers that are available.

A Used Cars Online Checklist

Before you start shopping for any of the used cars that you can find on the Web, you need to be sure of what you want and what you can afford to get because these are often two different things. It's easy to put the cart before the horse and start looking through all the used cars for sale on the Internet, but if you do you might get distracted and wind up buying a Porsche when you can only really afford a Pontiac.

So it's best if you start out by simple finding out what you can afford if you don't have the money saved and think that you'll need some financing. Go to your local financial institution and get them to give you an idea about how much that Pontiac will cost. The more expensive cars are purchases that you can make the road.

Then you'll need to decide what kind of used cars suit your purposes best. Here's where you'll need to ask yourself a few questions that include:
o Do I need a four door or a two door? If you're single now you might be able to get away with just two doors on the car that you're looking at, but down the road four might be better if you find you've got a family.
o How big of an engine do I need? Of course it's great to have an eight cylinder engine under the hood for power, but you'll be stopping at the gas station a lot more with one of those to feed.

When you finally decide on the car that you want, you'll find that make and model a lot quicker on the Internet. Buying used cars online is the way to go when you're looking to see the biggest selection right from the comfort of your own home and you save on the commission and overhead that you'd pay for if you bought from a brick and mortar lot.

Why You Should Use Hydrogen Fuel For Cars

Why You Should Use Hydrogen Fuel For Cars
Why You Should Use Hydrogen Fuel For Cars

With gas prices being what they are, is it any wonder that people have started looking for alternative fuel sources? Would you be surprised to learn that the best alternative fuel source is hydrogen? That's right hydrogen fuel for cars is probably the best alternative fuel to not yet hit the nation's market. The hydrogen used in these cars is very easy to find you get it from the water that comes out of your faucet!

What are Hydrogen Powered Cars?

A hydrogen generator car is a car that has been altered to run on water. The car has an engine that is modified to use electrolysis to separate the hydrogen and oxygen in water. The hydrogen and oxygen are both sent into the engine. The two gases work together to power the car's engine.

How do I Power My Car with Hydrogen?

The best way (and currently the only way) to power your car with hydrogen is to install a hydrogen/oxygen generator into your car so that the gas is funneled into the collection chamber where it combusts and provides power for the car. You can find all of the parts needed to build the generator for your hydrogen powered cars in any hardware or automotive store.

Isn't Hydrogen Dangerous?

The world has come a long way since the Hindenbergh disaster. Hydrogen fuel for cars is not only completely safe to use for alternative fuel (or to extend the life of your gas tank) it is far more practical than gasoline! Hydrogen is a clean burning gas as it gets burned into the combustion chamber, it simply evaporates into the air along with the oxygen molecules.

Hydrogen powered cars are cars that not only get better gas mileage than hybrids but they are far cheaper to purchase. In fact, you can easily convert your current car to run on hydrogen without spending very much money at all! With gasoline being so expensive and so bad for the environment, don't you want to find an alternative fuel to help you get from place to place? Hydrogen fuel for cars is the answer!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why You Should Import Cars From Japan to the US

Why You Should Import Cars From Japan to the US
Why You Should Import Cars From Japan to the US

Because many people are doing so, you cannot help but wonder why you should import cars from Japan to the US. Your mind may be wandering just about anywhere so that you can come up with a valid reason for this. But for sure, since a lot of people are joining the bandwagon, you cannot help but think there just might be a lot of money that you can make in this endeavor. And yes, I am telling you right now, there is indeed a lot of money that can be made when you do this!

Yes, you can easily purchase Japanese cars just about anywhere. It does not really matter where you live, or where you physically are at the moment. Japanese cars are definitely all over the world right now, so purchasing one is not much of an ordeal at all. still, it really pays to import the cars from Japan all the way to the US for a lot of beneficial reasons.

The first one pertains to a wider selection of cars. You do have a lot of choices if you do choose to stick with the local market. But when you import cars from Japan to US, you will definitely have more models to choose from. What's more, you also gain access to the latest models that have been developed in the country itself! Imagine getting the hottest model right of the country that is famous for the high-end quality they develop their cars at! So, why forego this opportunity, right?

The second advantage pertains to huge savings. Wouldn't you want to get a car made from the highest standards ever pegged in Japan, and save a lot of money at the same time? This can easily be achieved when you choose to import cars from Japan to US. The savings you can get are actually very high. In fact, a very common scenario here is saving all the way up to 30% when you choose to ship your car all the way from Japan, than if you purchase your car from a local market. This is indeed pretty ironic, but it still remains a strong fact. If you purchase a used Japanese model for roughly $10,000, you can actually get the same model in Japan for $3,000 less. Imagine the savings you can make!

There are actually a lot of people who are joining the bandwagon for the money they can make off this racket. So, if you are interested in making a lot of money, you can import cars from Japan to US, and start making profit for yourself now.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Why Honda Cars Are a Great Choice

Why Honda Cars Are a Great Choice
Why Honda Cars Are a Great Choice

Honda began its journey with humble baby steps, post WWII, when it started with the motorcycle range. Honda then released their first road car in the early 1960s, they developed their first road car. Since then they have established themselves as the leader in the automobile industry. Honda has always gone beyond being just a manufacturer of reliable, fuel efficient cars. They provide a level of unsurpassed performance, comfort and mileage, what with a wide range of automobiles on offer. Occupying the fourth position in the global auto arena, Honda cars are well liked and sought after. With Honda you know that you will get just the right car that fits your lifestyle and is light on the pocket too.

These cars appeal across the different demographies. Oft times you will notice that Honda cars seem to hesitate with rebates and money back attractions. The primary reason behind this is to counter a fall in resale value in the homeland. It is understandable therefore that Honda cars come with other incentives such as low APR and leasing options. With improved safety features, a more powerful engine as well as spacious seating for the sedan range, Honda cars offer value for money.

Car models range from Element, a model that is quite unusual, to the Civic, a prime example of small cars. The Civic has also seen some user friendly modifications in the form of an in built navigation system and monitoring of tire pressure. The year 2008 has seen a complete revamp of Honda Accord. The enhanced Honda car model, the Odyssey, has also seen some marked change with a better suspension system in place, and improved horsepower as also a modification in the wheel structure.

Honda cars also make a mark in the award arena, bagging quite a few distinctions there. While the Civic received the Motor Trend Car award, the Ridgeline is often admired for its top class performance. It's not an exaggeration to day that the Honda range of automobiles are trusted for their robust engines and power packed driving capacity. The Honda car manufacturers have a long standing name for dependability and value for money. It's no surprise that Honda cars have been adjudged the best models offering good Industry Brand Residual Value by the Automotive Lease Guide. With several innovative makes in the pipeline, counting the Si Mugen model, Honda cars are likely to meet Gen X face up!

Why Do New Cars Not Have Spare Tyres Anymore

Why Do New
Why Do New Cars Not Have Spare Tyres Anymore

Has your car got a spare tyre? A puncture's bad enough. But as more and more drivers are discovering, there's often another nasty shock in store for them when they try to change their tyre following a puncture.

Many car manufacturers have began to phase out the spare tyre in new cars. Breakdown specialist the RAC were called by 80,000 motorists last year who had discovered they didn't have a spare tyre. There are few things more depressing on a car journey than the 'flud, flud, flud' sound of a flat tyre, but at least in the past you had a spare tyre and you could change your flat tyre and carry on with your journey.

Even though you invariably seem to get a puncture when it's dark, when it's raining and when the car is laden with tired children, luggage and a front seat passenger reluctant to get their hands dirty, but unusually eager to point out what you're doing wrong.

Changing a spare tyre is hassle enough, but in recent years, coping with a flat has become even more stressful. For without fanfare, motor manufacturers have begun to phase them out. Many motor manufacturers no longer supply a spare tyre as standard with a many new cars.

Each year, tens of thousands of stranded drivers lift up the boot carpets of their new cars looking for a spare tyre and a jack, only to discover a 'tyre repair kit' - an electric pump, a bottle of sealant and instructions written by someone with only a passing familiarity with cars and the English language.

Most people will admit they know almost nothing about car repair.

Ask them to change a spark plug and they'll be baffled. Tell them their 'big end' has gone and again they would be baffled.

But most pepople do know how to change a spare tyre, and that admittedly basic knowledge is a badge of pride.

We know about loosening the nuts before jacking up the car.We know where to fit the jack.

So car manufacturers are making our one car-related skill redundant. And they are making it redundant in force.

Out of the top ten best-selling cars in Britain, only the Volkswagen Golf now comes with a full spare tyre as standard.

Lucky owners of top-of-the-range new cars get skinny space-saving spare tyres that take up less room in the boot, but which will keep them going for 50 miles or so until the driver can get home or to a garage. A few find their cars are delivered kitted with four 'run-flat tyres' -- tyres with strengthened walls that stay hard even when the air has escaped.

But the unfortunate ones -- the owners of the bottom-of-the-range Honda Jazz, Renault Clio and Vauxhall Astra, for example -- have to make do with a sealant kit.

If you've ever tried to use an emergency tyre inflation kit, you'll know how awkward and messy they can be.

Drivers have to connect a pipe from a compressor in the repair kit to the flat tyre's valve, plug the compressor into the cigarette lighter and switch on the compressor to fill the tyre with air and sealant.

So I resent car manufacturers making my one car-related skill redundant. And they are making it redundant in force.

Out of the top ten best-selling cars in Britain, only the Volkswagen Golf now comes with a full spare tyre as standard.

If you've ever tried to use an emergency tyre inflation kit, you'll know how awkward and messy they can be.

Drivers have to connect a pipe from a compressor in the repair kit to the flat tyre's valve, plug the compressor into the cigarette lighter and switch on the compressor to fill the tyre with air and sealant.

Many car manufacturers are slowly phasing out the spare tyre

Then you have to unplug it all, drive the car for two miles to disperse the sealant throughout the inside of the tyre to tackle the air leak, stop and park, plug the compressor back into the tyre and cigarette lighter, and pump up the tyre fully.

Even then there's no guarantee you can drive the car away. Sealant kits only work with holes 4mm or smaller. Bigger gashes are impossible to repair -- a fact you will discover after an hour or so fiddling around on the roadside.

And even if you can get puncture kits to work, many garages refuse to repair tyres if they have been filled with sealant, claiming it is too time consuming and expensive to clean them out. A 15 puncture repair can end up costing the 100 price of a replacement tyre.

The demise of the spare is already having an impact on emergency call-outs. Green Flag, the car breakdown service, said the number of call-outs to drivers stranded by flat tyres leapt 20 per cent last year.

The RAC had 80,000 calls in 2011 from motorists who found they hadn't got a spare in the boot, and who were unable to use the sealant kits. That works out as around one fifth of all their tyre problem calls.

Prakesh Patel, an RAC patrol officer, is not a fan.

'I've never been very successful with them,' he says. 'They are fine if it's a small hole caused by a nail. But the problem is that when you use the sealant it ends up on the road and it's messy.

'It costs 20 to 30 to replace the sealant, and when you take the tyre to be repaired they won't take it because of the glue inside. So you have to pay for a new tyre as well.

'I had a call out this week from a middle-aged women who couldn't find the spare but thought there must be one.

'When we opened up the boot the hole that should have been filled by a tyre was instead filled with a piece of polystyrene. She looked at me in disbelief.'

So why are car manufacturers cutting back on spares?

One reason is the demand for ever larger boots. Families want people carriers with seven seats, plus room for buggies and luggage.

Something has to give, and that something is the spare tyre. Removing the tyre which is usually stored under the boot's carpet gives more space for boot seats to be folded away when not in use.

But above all, getting rid of the spare saves the manufacturers money. It is cheaper to fit a 20 repair kit than an 80 spare tyre.

There is also the issue of European and UK legislation designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The motor industry is under intense pressure to shave off excess weight from cars to improve fuel efficiency, and scrapping the spare removes up to 25kg of weight.

While drivers fume, the car industry insists it is giving consumers more choice.

John Visscher, of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, says: 'Some people are comfortable with changing a tyre, but there are other motorists who want the ease, speed and the safety of not having to change a tyre on the side of the road. And there are drivers who don't know how to change a tyre, or who don't want to.'

The manufacturers argue that if a customer lavishes 15,000 on a new car they would be pretty daft not to double-check what they were getting for their money.

The RAC had some 80,000 calls from motorists who discovered that their car didn't have a spare tyre in 2011 (file picture)

The trouble is, how many motorists would ever imagine they'd be sold a new car without a spare tyre.

Some manufacturers allow you to 'upgrade' by paying extra for a spare, but in many models there simply isn't space.

The RAC -- which wants spare tyres to be included as standard -- says dealerships need to spell out more clearly what customers are getting.

RAC technical director David Bizley says: 'Not including a spare wheel has become a growing trend among car manufacturers over the past five years, to the point where about 50 per cent of punctures registered in 2012 happened to vehicles which did not have a spare wheel.'

There is no sign that spares are about to come back into fashion either. It won't be many years before they are available only as a pricey optional extra -- along with sun roofs and a sat-nav.

That means for the foreseeable future, the only spare tyres middle-aged men like me will have in our cars are the ones around our waists.

This also causes problems with driving tests, should you get a puncture shortly before the driving test, you have no opportunity to change the spare wheel, resulting in thre cancellation of the driving test. Driving schools and driving instructors are having to pay extra to manufacturers to purchase spare wheels!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Why Cars Need Tune-Ups

Why Cars Need Tune-Ups
Why Cars Need Tune-Ups

Younger drivers who own late model vehicles may not remember a time when they needed to be tuned up frequently. Decades ago, any number of parts could slowly lose their ability to perform their jobs. To correct the issues, a mechanic would have to pop the hood and spend a couple of hours adjusting, tightening, and often replacing certain parts. If this wasn't done on a regular basis, drivers could expect their vehicles to operate far less efficiently with less power over time.

Cars are built much differently these days. Automakers have designed fantastic driving machines that can perform well without a tune-up for over 80,000 miles. That said, millions of people are still driving older vehicles that need a good tuning every now and then. Below, I'll describe a few car parts that you should consider asking your mechanic to check periodically.

Which Parts Need Tuning?

In the old days, when vehicles mostly used carburetors and other mechanical parts, there was plenty for a technician to tune. After all, springs, weights, and similar components always become unbalanced with time. So, they kept mechanics busy. Most newer cars, trucks, and SUVs have gotten rid of a lot of the analog systems, replacing them with parts that are controlled by computers. That leaves fewer components for technicians to tune.

Of course, all cars still use spark plugs that collect carbon deposits and need to be replaced. And tens of millions of cars have distributor caps that experience corrosion. Air filters still get jammed with dirt, debris and other materials. Drive belts can get frayed. And the rotors in a vehicle's ignition system can sustain wear and tear. If neglected, each of these can erode your car's performance and fuel-efficiency. You probably won't notice the difference immediately, but over time, their aggregate effect can have a significant impact.

The Future Of Tune-Ups

Until the bright minds inside automakers' research labs design an automobile that doesn't require parts that wear out, there will always be a need for tune-ups. If you recently bought a new vehicle, you probably won't need to visit a repair shop for years. However, if you've purchased an older, used model, ask a mechanic how often you should have it tuned up.

At the very least, you'll want him to check the distributor cap for cracks and wear and tear on the ignition's rotor. Plus, have the spark plugs and air filter replaced periodically to maintain your engine's performance (important even in late models). And while you're at the repair shop, it couldn't hurt to flush the fluids, check the battery posts, cables, wheels, and belts. Remember, the secret to avoiding costly repairs is doing consistent maintenance. Tune-ups are still an important ingredient.

Where to Find Cheap Used Cars For Sale

Where to Find Cheap Used Cars For Sale
Where to Find Cheap Used Cars For Sale

Let's face it, the cost of everything is going up. The gas prices are crazy, food has gone up by as much as 20% and credit is getting harder and harder to obtain. No wonder more and more people are wondering where they can find cheap used cars for sale. You're probably one of them, since you took the time to read this article. Well, you've come to the right place because I'm going to show you a couple of places you can get a cheap used car in you city.

The first and most obvious way to find a cheap used car is to look in the newspaper and free classified sales papers they put out in front of the grocery store. Out here in Los Angeles, they have publications such as the Penny Saver, Auto Mercado and the Recycler. They have plenty of good, cheap cars for sale from both dealerships and private owners. If you look hard enough, you can usually walk away with a steal.

If you're not into flipping pages, you can surf the web by visiting such sites as Craigslist, AutoTrader and eBay Motors. The good thing about sites like these is that they allow you to really narrow your search down to the specifics. You can tailor your search to suit the price, make, model, color, mileage, etc. of the car you're looking for. Most listing also have plenty of interior and exterior pictures of the car, so you can get a pretty good idea of what you're dealing with before you waste your time going over to see it.

If you really want a cheap car, you best bet is to head on over to a car auction. You'll be able to get cars from the last 2-3 years for hundreds and usually thousands less than what you would pay at a dealership. Especially, since the decline of the economy has caused more and more people to fall behind on their car payments and ultimately end up having it repossessed. This means you can get good, well maintained cars, trucks and SUVs for dirt cheap. Shoot, you can even turn around and sell a couple on the side for a nice profit.

So, now you should even have to wonder where to find cheap used cars for sale because you know where to look. Just to refresh your memory, you should be looking in the papers, on the internet or at a car auction. But you'll save the most money by getting into the wonderful world of auctioning.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Where Are Honda Cars Made

Where Are Honda Cars Made
Where Are Honda Cars Made

You've seen them in magazine ads, on television commercials and on the road. Honda is one of the world's best known and respected automotive brands. The company behind the cars is Honda Motor Company, Ltd., a multinational corporation based in Minami-Aoyama Nichome, Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Honda designs, develops, manufactures and sells popular vehicles such as the Accord, the Civic, the CRV and many others. Honda cars are driven in many different parts of the world.

Not Everything is Done in Japan

Many people incorrectly assume that Japanese cars are manufactured in Japan. The truth is, the world is a much different place today than it was in the late '40's when Honda first started. Globalization has made it possible for multinational corporations to distribute their production facilities around the world for maximum efficiency. For example, even though the companies' world headquarters are in Japan, American Honda Motor Co. is based in Torrance, California. Honda has also created joint ventures around the world to facilitate operations in places such as China and India.

In terms of where the cars are actually made, the answer is - it depends. Honda has several assembly plants distributed around the world, each producing anywhere from only one to five different styles of automobiles. Depending on where in the world you live, and what type of vehicle you are wondering about, the actual geographical origin will vary. Below is a list of their manufacturing and assembly plants with details about what type of vehicles are made there. It is safe to assume that if you live closer to China than the U.S., the assembly plant closest to (or in) China that manufactures any given model is the one where that car came from.

Honda Manufacturing and Production Facilities


As of 2009, there were only two main manufacturing plants located in Japan.

The Honda Hamamatsu Factory in Hamamatsu, Japan manufactures cars, motorcycles and engines from the car manufacturers complete lineup.

There is another Japanese production facility located in Suzuka, Mie, Japan. Currently, this facility only produces one model - the Honda Fit.


The Dongfeng Honda Automobile Company, based in Wuhan, China opened in 2003. This assembly plant currently manufactures only the Honda CRV, but has plans to produce Honda Civics in the near future.


Honda Indonesia is the name of the factory located in Karawang, Indonesia. Currently, this manufacturing facility only produces the Honda Fit.


In Thailand, Honda manufactures the Honda Fit in their factory located in Ayutthaya, Thailand.


Honda has a factory in Turkey where it has manufactured cars of different styles since 1992.

New Zealand

Honda New Zealand manufactured cars from 1965 through 1998. The models that were produced in this facility include the Honda City, the Civic and the Accord.


The production facility in Belgium makes only motorcycles.


In the UK, Honda has manufactured the Civic and the CRV in Swindon, England since 1992.


Honda Amazonas Motorcycle is a Brazilian production facility that only manufactures motorcycles. The plant is located in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil and has made motorcycles since 1976.

Honda Brazil Automobile, a facility located in Indaiatuba, Sao Paolo, Brazil manufactures the Civic and the Fit.

United States

The Marysville Auto Plant in Marysville, Ohio makes Accords, Acuras and motorcycles.

The East Liberty Auto Plant, in East Liberty Ohio, manufactures the Civic, the CRV and the Honda Element.

Honda Manufacturing of Alabama is located in Lincoln, Alabama. The plant, which opened in 2001, manufactures vehicles such as the Honda Odyssey, the Honda Pilot and the Honda J Engine.

When Chauffeur Driven Cars Are the Best Option

When Chauffeur Driven Cars Are the Best Option
When Chauffeur Driven Cars Are the Best Option

This is a common scenario: you are late for a meeting, you have other problems to attend and you have to hold a conference call so that you can shout your instructions to your taxi driver. It's not fun, it's not productive and it's not necessary. Using Chauffeur Driven Cars Melbourne
can be as profitable as taxis with regard to the entire time they save, not to mention the fact that they are set up to do business anywhere. Relax with the taxis and go to executive representative: the benefits will be settled in a very short time.

A driver is not just about style, though, of course, you can never stop being chic when driving around town in a quality vehicle powered by a professional driver. No, vehicles powered by drivers are easy for business people: it allows them to travel quickly, safely and securely between meetings and appointments, and allows them to handle all their other problems along the way.

Take the Melbourne cars as an example. Vennard's cars are set up with conference calling and full connection: which means that a person can drive a meeting in the car while going to another meeting or appointment. It's much more civilized than sweating heavily behind a cab while the driver is stuck behind the latest series of roadworks in the center of Melbourne. Cars with driver, unlike taxis, are basic offices in progress: Everything is at the touch of a button, the internet is connected and there are snacks available. Now it sounds like a more civilized way of doing things.

Drivers with driver service usually come with a list of unexpected extras (but very welcome). Many drivers are former military officers of ex-cops, which means they are trained to lead to an extraordinary professional level, and of course they are completely discreet and impeccably educated. Customers who use driver car services can also specifically request an ex-patrolman or former police force, which means that a highly educated bodyguard and driver only have one impact. Many businessmen and women represent sufficient interests from one country to another to make the driver's choice a very important part of the process: When using a company like Vennards, you know that one's people and one's work. They are in safe hands.

Considering the amount of additional business that you can do when using cars with drivers instead of taxis; And when you also take into account the much better impression you give when attending meetings, conferences and others in vehicles with drivers, it becomes clear that the extra money that can cost to rent pays for itself for productivity and image. These are the two cardinal rules for good business. Forget about the cabin and start thinking about a mobile office, manned by a polite, efficient and knowledgeable secretary. That's what vehicles with a driver are about.

Author's Bio: 

George Making owner of My Chauffeur Limo

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

What's Under Your Car's Carpet

What's Under Your
What's Under Your Car's Carpet

It's now been 2 years since stories of flood cars from Hurricane Katrina saturated the world of 'buyer-beware'. But it's not just flood cars that cause problems. Other liquids like spilled milk, snow melt, pressure washed carpeting or a leaking windshield can cause serious problems too. Let us show you just how serious a wet floor can be!

Our expertise is in airbag systems, airbag replacement and airbag service, so we are often called upon to do investigations for insurance companies, attorneys and individuals involving accidental or inadvertent airbag deployment. After inspecting many such vehicles and knowing the serious personal injuries they can cause, the reason for these airbag deployments are shocking. What we have found has a common theme...liquids and electronics do not mix!!

This article will show you exactly what happens; not necessarily immediately, but 6 months, 1 year or even up to 4 or 5 years down the road. Once you know the facts, just being aware of these potentially serious situations and hazards can help you deal with the causes and may just save you from serious personal harm.

Although an estimated 500,000-600,000 cars were damaged by the hurricane and subsequent flood waters, many non-flood vehicles are susceptible to the same type of damages. What damage? Water or moisture collecting under the seats and console damaging highly sensitive electronic components.

The airbag control units for most of the vehicles on the road today are located on the floor, or near the center of the vehicle under the seats and consoles. They are positioned there specifically by the manufacturers in order to replicate, as closely as possible, the effects of an accident on the passengers in the vehicle. But by being positioned at such a low point in the vehicle, they are at risk of contamination from water or many other situations. Some simple, normal, everyday things that happen when you drive a car can have severe consequences. Here are a few.

With winter coming and snow flying in many states, melted snow and ice will now be introduced to the floors of vehicles across the country. Turn on the heater and this snow and ice becomes water, saturating the carpet and ultimately draining to the lowest pint in the vehicle...the floor under the seats.

As vehicles in the 'sun states' get older and sit in the sun day after day, the soft rubber seals around the windshield begin to harden and crack. Once the brittle seal cracks or breaks, any rain or water from the car wash that hits the roof and windshield is now channeled into the car, hidden by the interior trim panels and travels down to the lowest points in the car...the floor and beneath the seats.

Or how about the used car dealer wanting to get the most for his cars? With the best intentions, he power cleans the interior of a every vehicle he gets from the auction. These are not flood cars, just used cars with soiled carpets. With a pressure wand in hand, or a power steamer, the carpets are purposely washed and then dried as well as possible. But it's too late... the water that soaked the carpet during the process has already seeped through, drained under the seats and now collects on the metal floor, saturating the padding on the way and going exactly where we don't want it wet; around the airbag control unit.

And with so many people eating and drinking in their vehicles, cup holders all over the dash and console, the potential for a spilled soft drink or cup of coffee is greater now than ever. And guess where that spilled liquid goes...Right, through the console to the floor, or between the seats where you can't dry it up.

Whatever the reason, liquids make their way to the carpet and interior of the vehicles exactly where we don't want it...mixing with the electronic control module.

Here's what happens when water and electronics mix. These pictures capture the inevitable results of ignoring the problem of a wet floor. Over time, water can turn the part on the left into the part on the right. Which one is in your car?

The owner of the vehicle this part came from suffered serious injuries as the airbag deployed immediately upon starting her car one morning. She wasn't belted in place, nor was she prepared for the impact of the airbag. She was just starting her car to go to work when she was hit in the face and jaw by an airbag at 200 mph. (General Motors Safety webpage)

Airbags are designed to protect us from injury, but just like so many other conveniences in our lives, they need care and maintenance to insure their reliability. Most car manufacturers recommend servicing the airbag systems every 10 years. Checking the floors for moisture buildup should be included in that procedure and done more often. As a vehicle owner though, it's ultimately your responsibility to care for and maintain your car. After all, it's you who is at risk.

Here are some simple things you can do to identify if your car is at risk. Be aware of any of the following indicators. They may indicate a serious problem brewing:

Dampness in the floor and carpeting; moisture on the inside of the instrument panel
Rust on interior screws and other metal parts
Mildew, debris and mold in places where it shouldn't normally be found

under the seats or carpeting,
in the trunk, or
in the rear floor wells

Water stains or discoloration of seat belts and door panels

A moldy odor or an intense smell of Lysol or deodorizer being used to cover up an odor problem

Monday, May 14, 2018

Whatever Happened to Muscle Cars, Classics, and Hotrods

Whatever Happened to
Whatever Happened to Muscle Cars, Classics, and Hotrods

Whatever happened to the good old muscle car? You know what happened to them, the imports took over!

Back years ago you could find what is now considered a classic on every street corner. These days when you stop at a red light you see a Honda, Toyota, or some sort of American made car that should say Honda or Toyota! People have sure changed, and for the most part it's not good for us hotrodders. Young teenagers used to get excited about taking out dads Camaro, Mustang, or Cuda, nowadays they're excited to take out the 4-door Civic. In case you youngsters didn't know, a 4-door Honda Civic is not a fast muscle car, nor will it beat one in the mile. So what do they do to make their car "faster"? They put a 6" exhaust tip, and fiberglass hood on it and fly around making as much buzzing noise as they can!!!

As if that were not bad enough, car manufacturers like GM discontinue cars like the Camaro and Firebird and come out with cars like the Cobalt. Did you know they sell the Cobalt with factory "hop-ups" so you don't have to do the work of making it look and sound ridiculous? Just look at the Chevy Impala, does that even resemble an Impala? The only cars GM has that are even remotely quick are the over priced Corvette and the GTO, which is not too bad. I applaud Ford for continuing to make Mustangs, and Dodge for bringing back the Charger, but is that all you got? I'll never understand Americans who continue to buy these "imports", and spend time working on them, just to make them uglier than they already are and probably slower. I don't intend to criticize anyone, but if I did too bad.

What You Need to Know When You Donate Used Cars

What You Need to Know When You Donate Used Cars
What You Need to Know When You Donate Used Cars

Donating a car to a charity has been becoming increasingly more popular in North America. This is largely in part to the many benefits that donors are entitled to.

When you donate used cars to charity, as a donor you are able to take advantage of many benefits. Let us compare the notion of making a donation out of your used car as opposed to going through the trouble of selling your vehicle:

No loss of time spent going through the trouble of finding a potential buyer

Save money on not having to list your vehicle on various markets
Save money on not having to pay maintenance on a used vehicle
Avoid the possibility of unknown buyer complications
Lend a helping hand to a charity which is important to you
Claim a car donation tax deduction in the amount of the value of your vehicle*

Once you have decided that you want to donate your car, there are some essential pointers to be aware of to familiarize yourself when learning how to donate used cars:

Become familiar with how the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) treats car donation, and the claimed deduction amount based on your vehicle and related laws.

There are many types of charities which accept a used car as form of donation. Start by selecting a charity which contributes towards a cause important to you, or check local and on-line listings for nearby car donation charities. Remember that some educational institutions and non-automotive related charities can still accept car donations. In the case of the latter, the donated automobile will be sold at a car auction, with the sales value going towards the charity of your choice, provided they arrange such forms of donation. Check with proper listings to ensure the charity selected is reputable.
Ensure that whatever type of charity to which you choose to donate, that a proper, written record is kept of the donation. Also be sure to obtain a copy of this record within a month of the date of donation. It will be helpful for claiming the tax deduction.
Often times charities to which people donate used cars will arrange the towing. Before your used car is towed away for donation, be sure to inspect your automobile and confirm it is in good operating condition. Check the tire pressure as flat or low tires can often cause donation process problems.

When it comes to donating used cars, it can be an extremely smooth, rewarding process for all parties involved. Taking the time to learn more about the donation process as well as researching the right type of charity can mean all the difference.

* When you donate used cars for a value of more than $500.00 a proper IRS form must be filed and attached with your annual return. As for cars with a value of above $5,000.00 an appraisal will need to be conducted and written confirmation will be required to process your tax claim.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

What Do You Know About RC Cars

What Do You Know About RC Cars
What Do You Know About RC Cars

As you probably already know, RC stands for Radio Controlled. An RC car is a battery-operated car, controlled from a certain distance by a remote control.

The first models were running on nitro or gas. The functioning principle is quite easy to understand: the inputs from the remote control's triggers are sent via a transmitter to the car's receiver. From the receiver, the radio signal is interpreted and transformed in electrical impulse. The electrical impulse gets to the speed and servo controllers; this way the car starts functioning.

When thinking of RC cars, people are generally thinking of toys; what you probably do not know is that there are all sorts of radio-control aircraft, boats, vehicles and even submarines. This radio-controlled madness began in 1966 with an RC Ferrari. Until today, the fever caught many people; there are organized racing events and competitions for RC enthusiasts.

There are two major classes in every RC domain: amateur or toy class and hobby class.
The difference between these classes is considerable. Toy class cars are world wide available and battery-operated. Once in the hobby area you must know that you have more freedom, more power and more speed. What you also need to know is that if you want to make a hobby out of RC cars you must take care of them as if you take care of a real car. Taking care of the engine, the chassis, the suspensions, wheels etc is just part of the daily routine.

My RC experience started when I was a child with a miniature police car. I played with it a long time, and when I grew a little more, I was disappointed that it got stuck very easy on damaged terrain. What I did next is easy to imagine. I modified the chassis and replaced the wheels with bigger ones from some other toy. When the replacing wheels job was over, I faced another problem: the car was slower now due to the modifications.

Working more than usual the engine was also consuming more power and the autonomy of the car was decreased. I started studying and examining the matter and I found myself caught in a fascinating hobby that I am very proud of. This way I lived to be aware of all the improvements that appeared in the world of RC's. For the off-road enthusiasts, manufacturers created aluminum alloy chassis, with stainless-steel ball bearings, nylon wheels and reinforced suspension system. These cars have it all either if you are looking for speed, adrenaline or just fun on a sunny day in the park. What is great about this hobby is that you can be two things at the same time: safe and driving.

What Do Formula One Cars and Your IVR Have in Common

What Do Formula
What Do Formula One Cars and Your IVR Have in Common

What characteristics do Formula One cars and your IVR have in common? Well, at first glance, not very much. These miracles of modern engineering are the perfect amalgamation of man and machine. A union forged of blood, carbon fiber, sweat and a desire to reach the upper limits of what is mechanically and humanly possible. They are bred for speed! In a sport where glory or consignment to oblivion is decided by fractions of a second, speed is a top priority. But speed, in this case, is not just a function of pure horsepower. It is a combination of advanced aerodynamics made possible by some of the brightest engineers on the planet, emerging neoteric software and a spirit of sustained innovation that enable these chariots anew to reach speeds of 372 kilometers per hour (231 miles per hour). So, what do Formula One cars and your IVR have in common? A lot more than you think.

Like you and your business Formula One teams rely on an often-complex set of systems working together to achieve a common goal. Steering, braking and fuel systems communicating with one another almost seamlessly allow the driver to zip around world-famous racing venues such as the Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi in effect arrogantly defying the laws of physics. Similarly, businesses rely on innovation and the adaptation of the latest technologies to give their teams an edge. But, complex systems or even simple systems for that matter are vulnerable to breakage, outages, and failure. To address vulnerabilities a procedure of testing, tuning and refining must be implemented. Testing and tuning should not be viewed through the lens of a luxury bestowed to those with large budgets and vast IT Departments but rather as a best-practice made possible by emerging technologies and economies of scale.

IVR's are but one of the many interconnected technologies many businesses and most Contact Centers rely on to achieve both short-term and long-term objectives. They are often times the centerpiece of a company's contact strategy and bridge the communication between customer and company. IVR systems can be deployed to make banking payments and services easier, and are widely used for mobile purchases, retail orders, or to help businesses answer routine queries in a more efficient manner. Some of the main benefits of IVR include greater accessibility and wider personalization which lead to better customer service and ultimately a better company reputation. IVR systems, however, impose technological restrictions on companies which is why interactive voice response testing and tweaking is essential.

In fact, IVR system testing is a critical part of the design process as it ensures that the end user can receive quality assistance while minimizing the need for human interaction. IVR testing includes system functionality testing, as well as performance testing under error conditions. Audio testing, for instance, can help ensure that the machine's 'speech' will be clear and properly audible to the person on the other end, maximizing the IVR's efficiency. Additionally, database testing can help companies ensure that their IVR system allows users to retrieve the correct information at each point (so clients can receive an accurate response to their query). Language diversity testing is also essential, especially for more advanced IVR systems which allow for inputs in multiple languages. Additionally, automated IVR testing can help a system successfully emulate human behavior so the caller can feel like they're actually communicating with another person.

Formula One teams regularly test critical components in preparation for race day. For example, brake dynamometer testing is used to test brake pads, discs, and calipers beyond the most extreme conditions expected. Failure to test can have critical consequences as drivers rely on their carbon fiber brakes to decelerate from 124 miles per hour to zero in just 2.9 seconds. Although not life-threatening failure to test your IVR can have serious consequences for your business.

1. Loss of revenue

If your business depends on customers calling in to order a product or for help guiding them through the sales cycle failure to test can result in an immediate loss of revenue. Customers are finicky, if your IVR fails to connect them to the appropriate person who can assist in completing the transaction, chances are much higher that they will call a competitor instead.

2. Reputation

The reputation of a business is critical to its survival. Consumers need to trust and have confidence that you can deliver a product or service that is of high quality at a reasonable price. A misfiring IVR can erode fussy consumer preferences by delivering a less than optimal sound quality experience or failing to complete the call altogether. This again erodes consumer confidence and drives would-be customers to consider alternatives.

3. Exacerbate customer service issues

Customers want what they want, when they want it. If a customer is calling for support on an important issue and is unable to connect, or cannot figure out how to use your IVR's complex customer journey map, relatively small issues can become difficult to manage problems. Customers want things easy. That's why so many businesses use words like "easy-to-use", "low-effort" and "fast" in many of their marketing campaigns.

Businesses are hurriedly evolving in hopes of keeping pace with consumer preferences. This evolution has posed an enormous degree of complexity and opportunity for Contact Center technology and leadership in particular. As customer demands in terms of support requests increase in complexity so to must an organizations technology in order to bear the full weight of those demands. An IVR system can be an extremely helpful tool when it comes to delivering an outstanding level of customer service as it improves customer interactions and automates and simplifies routine processes. However, for such a system to be successful, testing must be considered an important piece of strategy for any Contact Center Executive. IVR testing can ensure the system will provide accurate information to customer queries and improve the overall quality of your customer service.

In Formula One, teams expect the unexpected. Unforeseen circumstances like weather, mechanical and or driver error create highly unnerving and risky environments. How do teams mitigate these known risks? Testing. Testing tires, communications systems and critical fueling systems help give teams the edge on race day. Likewise, testing your companies integrated systems such as IVR can help mitigate customer churn and increase customer lifetime value giving your organization an edge in an ever-increasing competitive environment. For more information on IVR testing and how we can help click here or leave your e-mail in the comments section below.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

What are the Documents Required to Import Used Cars from Japan

What are the Documents Required to Import Used Cars from Japan
What are the Documents Required to Import Used Cars from Japan

Importing a used car from Japan is not complicated but the importer must know the procedure and the documents required while importing any used vehicles from Japan.

Now a days Buyers can easily order the used vehicles through online from any of the exporters in Japan but they were not aware of the details like what type of documents they must ask from the dealers, as per their country import and export regulations, to avoid problems during custom clearance.

Japanese car dealers try best to guide the buyers about such required documents and they forward them immediately after the shipment of the car and some of the used automobile portals like are also providing such informations to help buyers.

Please check some of the basic documents importers must keep in mind while importing any used car from Japan:
- 3 sets of original Bills of Lading.
- 2 sets of original Commercial Invoice.
- Certificate of Origin (Check if your country's custom department require this)
- Japan Auto Appraisal Institute (JAAI) inspection certificate (Check if your country's custom department require this)
- Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Center Col Ltd. (JEVIC) inspection certificate (Check if your country's custom department require this)
- Air-condition De-gas certificate (Check if your country's custom department require this)
- Vehicle's Export Deregistration Document in original.
- Original vehicle de-registration (also referred to as "Export Certificate") in Japanese and if required can be available in English translation.
- Certificate of Ownership History (Check if your country's custom department require this)
- Marine Insurance Policy in original, if insurance is taken from the dealer.
- Auction Vehicle Inspection Sheet

Every country's custom department can modify their requirement for custom clearance documents anytime. So, it is advisable to all the importers and buyers better to contact with your country's custom department, so that you can be updated with the latest requirement to import a used car from Japan.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Volvo Cars Class Leading Technology Explained

Volvo Cars Class
Volvo Cars Class Leading Technology Explained

Volvo Cars have been the number one leaders of car safety since 1959, the year Volvo created the 3-point safety belt system. In doing so, this important safety technology was quickly developed by all other car manufacturers around the world, and today this safety initiative has been voted as one of the most important modern human inventions, saving countless lives during an era where road safety was effectively non-existent.

Today Volvo continue their safety technology developments with a range of new products which are either not seen on the market in other vehicles, or are usually only available in very high-end manufacturers vehicles. Volvo's cars are extremely well priced and packed with latest technology developments. The recently released Pilot Assist is Volvos new autopilot technology, using smart, highly advanced systems and electronics to improve road safety.

Volvo Pilot Assist Technology Explained

First seen in the 2016 model XC90, Volvo Pilot Assist can help the driver to pilot the car between lanes, whilst keeping a constant distance between their car and other vehicles directly ahead.Pilot Assist focuses and works best at slow traffic speeds of up to 50km/h (30mph) on most motorways. Pilot Assist is executed via a combination of camera and radar units, using Infra-red distance readings and detecting the roads side markings to keep the car inside the lane. The driver initially sets the time interval required to the vehicle in front, then the camera and radar scan the vehicle in front along with identifying lane markings. Auto speed adjustments are made via the cruise control system and steering assistance helps position the car in the middle of its own lane.Pilot Assist can also give steering assistance from almost stationary up to 140km/h. Pilot Assist 2 as seen in the upcoming 2017 version of the XC90 can follow another vehicle at speeds of 0km/h up to 200km/h.

Volvo Intellisafe Technology

Pilot Assist's main aim is to reduce driving efforts, and another system called INTELLISAFE by Volvo is aimed to make the road a safer place.Volvos INTELLISAFE technology is developed with the vision and belief that no one should be killed or seriously injured while driving a new Volvo by 2020. Volvos INTELLISAFE technology supports the driver, helping to prevent accidents and protecting you if one occurs. INTELLISAFE technologies contain various packaged systems working together to produce a safer driving experience, the main features of which are:

Pilot Assist & Pilot Assist 2
Birds-eye view
Driver Alert Control & Rest Stop Guidance
Active High Beam Control
Blind Spot Information System
Lane Keeping Aid
Cyclist Detection Technology
Auto- Braking System
Pedestrian Airbag
Rough Landing Protection Seat
Rear-Facing Child Seat

With the birds eye view, you will get instant birds eye view of your surroundings, and you can see in full 360Surround View via 4 separate wide angled cameras, making parking and maneuvering in tight spaces simple.The Driver Alert Control uses heartbeat sensors and infra-red sensors to obtain information about the driver's consciousness levels. Combined with Rest Stop Guidance, this system can alert you when you are becoming drowsy and also where to stop for a break using the GPS system. Active High Beam Control allows driver to drive with high beam on at all times without blinding another driver, using clever detectors it is able to sense oncoming vehicles ahead and automatically shades the part of the light that would dazzle them, while keeping the maximum available remaining light space, providing the driver with maximum night visibility and also improving the safety for other road users

.Volvos patented BLIS (Blind Spot Information System) will notify the driver about traffic located around the vehicle, especially in the blind spot regions, thus reducing this very common type of blind spot accident.

Lane Keeping Aid senses road signs and markings in a similar way to Pilot Assist, detecting unintentional lane position variations and steers the driver back gently to the correct line. Volvo is the first company to have City Safe technology, which helps in protecting not only the driver but also the pedestrian during a collision. Volvo has developed a cyclist detection technology that issues acoustic warnings and lighting warnings and also brakes automatically if rapid response is needed below possible human reaction time.

With all this combined technology, it is not hard to believe that Volvo will potentially be able to create zero death accidents throughout their vehicle range by the year 2020.


Thanks to JMA Automotive Mechanics in Melbourne's Airport West for technical explanations which assisted in preparing this article.

Used Diesel Cars - Find the Right Used Car For You

Used Diesel Cars - Find the Right Used Car For You
Used Diesel Cars - Find the Right Used Car For You

You may be wondering where to buy used diesel cars and what to think of before buying any used car. Although more popular in Europe, diesel cars are gaining in popularity in North America as well. More and more people are getting to know diesel fueled cars as well as their advantages.

While diesel is often used to power trucks as well as heavy machinery, there are many cars that use it as a fuel as well. One of the advantages of using diesel fuel is the reduced fuel consumption. With today's rising gas prices, saving fuel is a concern of many people. A well-maintained diesel car can get better mileage than a gasoline powered car.

Used diesel cars are commonly sold at used car dealerships and by private parties. You can take a look at your local used car lot to see what diesel cars they currently have. Each car you see for sale will typically have an information sheet attached in the window, that will allow you to see some information about the vehicle in question. It will provide you, amongst others, the type of fuel the car uses, the mileage, what is included with the car, as well as the price.

Before buying a used car, make sure that you thoroughly inspect it, in order to make sure that all parts are in good working order. Do not rely solely on the description made by the seller. You should check certain things like the condition of the tires, the bodywork, the windshield as well as looking for any signs of rust or other potentially serious problems. Take the car for a test drive, to see how it handles on the road. This can also allow you to gain some information on the condition of the engine, the transmission and the brakes. You can also take the car to be inspected by an independent mechanic, preferably one that specializes with diesel cars. That way, you can see if any parts will need repair or replacement soon, as well as to estimate the cost of the work to be done on the vehicle if necessary.

Many car manufacturers have made diesel models in recent years, some of the most popular ones in North America include the Volkswagen Golf and Volkswagen Rabbit. That way, you should not have any problems finding used diesel cars. Make sure you compare all your options to see which cars are available for you to buy, as well as factoring things like your budget and what the vehicle will be used for. You should also compare prices between dealerships and private sellers in your area, in order to make sure you get the best deal for the particular model of car that you want to buy. Be careful if the price seems too low, as this could mean that the car has some problems and that the seller wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Used Cars Under 500 Dollars - Find the Best Cars Really Cheap

Used Cars Under
Used Cars Under 500 Dollars - Find the Best Cars Really Cheap

If someone told me that I could buy used cars for under 500 dollars, I would naturally think that I would have to push it home. That just don't happen, or so I thought. Then I found out about government auto auctions and I changed my tune really quick.

As skeptical as you may be, you can for a fact buy government surplus vehicles and repossessed used cars for under 500 dollars. How you go about doing that is by going to a government auto auction. These auctions will sell used police cars and other local and state agency vehicles plus repo cars to the highest bidder. If the bidding starts at 500 and you are the only one bidding on it, then you will be the proud new owner.

Even if there is another bidder or two, these cars will generally sell for up to 95% off of their original value. You won't have to tow these cars home either. All government agencies take very good care of their vehicles and will sell them when they are only a couple of years old. The mileage will be anywhere from 25,000 to 40,000 actual traveled miles.

You can also get a sweet deal with repossessed vehicles. Many times these cars and trucks will be new or almost new because the previous owner couldn't make the payments each month. The vehicles were then repossessed by the banks or credit unions and they want to get rid of them fast so that they can get some of their money back on them. So yes, you can get reliable used cars for under 500 dollars and you won't have to push them home.

Used Cars Online - 5 Reputable Places to Find Used Vehicles Online

Used Cars Online
Used Cars Online - 5 Reputable Places to Find Used Vehicles Online

Maintaining and Driving your vehicle are high priority, but often I'm asked about used cars, where to find them, and how to find a good one. I've always believed most of the value of a vehicle is in the care it receives, but, you need to start out with a high quality vehicle when you purchase. If you're purchasing a used vehicle, I suggest finding a place where each vehicle is run through a regular check to make sure it's working well before you drive it off the showroom floor.

1. offers excellent value and claims to promote the worlds best used car inventory.

"Since 1994, we've helped millions of car shoppers find used cars online at the best deal for their dream automobile and a no-hassle buying experience. We are the Internet's largest used car buying service, with over a half a million used car listings." After searching their list a few months ago and locating an excellent value on a Used Truck, I recommend their site for searching online. The Longevity of their site, as stated by the quote above indicates they provide value.

2. has provided excellent options, through independent auto sales by auto owners.

I haven't personally purchased a vehicle through, however, several friends and associates have, and their experiences have been good. Each of them have been quite happy with their vehicle, and satisfied with their purchase.

Buying from an individual often results in lower investment, but you have to check out the vehicle yourself. Don't count on any warrantee, there isn't any.

3. offers valuable vehicles sold by the owner, or occasionally a dealership promoting a sale.

My sister recently purchased a 14 year old Ford Mustang over and is totally happy with the results. Her 'new to her' Mustang was well cared for, a prime baby looking for a new home. This former commuter vehicle is in cherry condition, with a cherry exterior and like new gray interior, low mileage, no dents, no dings.

4. provides search information for more than 2 million new and used cars.

Check the listings, view photos of the vehicles, dealer descriptions, and more. also promises to sell your car at thousands over trade-in. Dealer reviews and representations offer some assurance that the vehicle is in quality condition.

5. presents variable options for new and used cars, including rebates, discounts, and buyer options.

Their service extends to offering low gas prices on their website. If you're looking for a way to cut your gas costs, you might want to check their site for valuable deals and lower gas mileage.

Used car options vary widely from site to site, but often searching for specifics will result in a solution you can afford, within your location ranges, even when you're searching world wide.

Are you looking for better options?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Used cars in Kerala- growing contribution from dealers

Used cars in
Used cars in Kerala- growing contribution from dealers

Being a resident of Kerala, Gods Own Country, is always special. The automobile industry has helped all residents to fulfill their travel needs by selling used cars of all brands.

The automobile industry in Kerala is shaping up well since the last few years. Inflation did not affect the sale of cars as a great deal of business was done in the second hand car market. Considering the rise in sales of second hand cars in Kerala, the dealers started their separate centers for buying/selling them. Car dealers play their part by assisting Keralites in buying a suitable car. For the budget conscious, investing in second hand cars has been a smart option. The second hand car market did good business last year and it is expected to rise in the years to come.

The market demand for cars in Kerala

When you live in a state like Kerala which has a hilly terrain, you will surely need a vehicle to travel. With the second hand car market booming in India, car dealers in Kerala have seen a great opportunity in growth. From sleekly designed small cars to luxury cars, all models are available for sale with car dealers. With never-before features, latest technology and classy looks, new car models are being introduced by the car manufacturers every month. As per reports from car dealers, manufacturers and auto financiers, the demand for used cars in Kerala is shifting from small cars to middle-size sedans.

Some of the popular car brands which did big business last year include Maruti, Hyundai, Mahindra, Tata and Honda... Many tourists have started investing in second hand cars to fulfill their temporary travel needs while exploring the wonders of Kerala

The checklist to be followed before buying a used car

The sale of used cars in Kerala went up in 2011 and the graph is expected to display an uptrend in the coming years. Thanks to the support offered by the car dealers in Kerala, buyers are able to make a right choice while buying a car to suit their travel needs.

The car agents assist you in knowing all about the car that you need to know before purchasing it. Used car dealers help you to
Check the mileage
Get a test drive
Check the accident history
Check the status of the engine
Get certified cars

Travelers might want to buy a car on rental basis for their long vacation and travel to all the popular tourist destinations. Residents of Kerala might want to buy a second hand car to fulfill their dreams of owning a four-wheeler. No matter whether you are a resident of Kerala, or a traveler, when you want to buy a used car at affordable rates, joining hands with a certified used car seller is a clever choice.

Used Cars For Sale, Repossessed Cars For Sale

Used Cars For Sale, Repossessed Cars For Sale
Used Cars For Sale, Repossessed Cars For Sale

In most cases repossessed car auctions offer fifty to eighty percent off the retail price of used cars, this car auctions are therefore always flooded with used car dealer and the private persons never get a chance to attend this car auctions. However times have changed and the private individuals have become more knowledgeable and are now aware of these repossessed car auctions.

In these repossessed car auctions one will normally find a range of vehicles and automobiles which have been seized by banks or government authorities either form account holders who are unable to pay their bank loans or vehicles which have been seized from criminals while some vehicles are ones owned by the government but are no longer in service.

Some of these cars are normally flashy sports cars and luxury cars which most people can not afford to buy at the showrooms, this vehicles are well maintained vehicles and most of the time they are always in good condition since this is the area where banks and government authorities are most keen on when in the process of seizing this vehicles.

Although you may be much exited at the repossessed car auction knowing that you will buy your dream car there, it's always advisable to stay calm and to have the required information at hand on the various selections you are going to make so that you may be sure not to miss out on any good deals and being sure that you will find the best deals at this auctions.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Used Cars at Low Prices, Affordable Used Cars

Used Cars at Low Prices, Affordable Used Cars
Used Cars at Low Prices, Affordable Used Cars

While searching for a new or used vehicle at car auctions, newspaper classifieds or the internet, it is important to gather the necessary information which will enable you determine the true value of the car or vehicle you intend to buy. You will want to inquire from the owner of the used vehicle or the car dealer about the vehicles service and damage history in order to have an idea on which components of the car that you will need to pay attention to more frequently, for example if a car has a history of engine overheating you will automatically know that the radiator needs attention.

It is also advisable never to be in a rush when shopping for a car from whichever sources that are available this is very important especially to people with limited budgets. You may make a small list of tree to four cars you like or prefer to buy and compare their values and pricing. This particular kind of research may be done best through the internet where you will get massive selections of vehicles to choose from and then you will be ale to categorize and select vehicles according to preferences and budget allotted.

Before buying a car online you should fist ensure that the site you are browsing is not a fraud, Online car shopping has become very popular this days and in some cases some individuals have taken advantage of this and the have created deceiving sites to rip-off car buyers. It is therefore important to follow recommended sites to avoid disaster. This having been said however online car shopping remains the most popular method of purchasing cars because it is convenient and it saves time and money.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Used cars and some new models to the market

Used cars and some new models to the market
Used cars and some new models to the market , specialization auto usate Veneto : attentive to the needs of the motorist , presents a preview of some news about the automotive world and calls for further insights within its pages online, specialized in the classifieds for used cars in Veneto and beyond its borders and regional citizens .
The compact second-generation license plate Toyota, Auris is called , has evolved in terms of technology , once again limiting fuel consumption , especially with the three new hybrid versions so popular in previous editions , and have retained all engines already produced in the past . More refined , boasts of having supplied a wealth of standard equipment .

From Ford , the SUV called Kuga , begins with the 1.6 EcoBoost 150 hp front-wheel drive and confirms the 2.0 TDCI diesel with 140 and 163 hp , all available with three trim levels differentiated , praising the Lux version Edition. Appears to have been expanded in size , giving more space inside the car and especially implemented in the technological aspects .

From Romania , Dacia Sandero and Stepway are remade in their overall appearance , more highest , from the design improvement and arguments full of systematic , these compact cars , are on the market with new engine turbo TCe 900 petrol and 1.5 dCi 90 hp with ESP as standard and prices moderately differentiated from Sandero to Stepway .

A3 Sportback , the compact house of Audi, coveted by young people and also from family, 5-door wagon in the model , is renewed in space and practicality that has always distinguished , has a 1.4 and 1.8 TFSI petrol , a 1.6 and 2.0 TDI diesel , possibly with os Tronic transmission , or "four " with two outfits , Environment and Young.

From Nissan , comes the second model of the new Mazda 6, a compact SUV , now more light , although more extensive than before , reaching a maximum length of 4.87 meters . Featuring of generous seating inside and profuse diligence as a whole, is ready for use on the road with the news for the engines and the gears of the Skyactiv , modern and more effective in the two petrol versions 2.0 and 2.5 in Euro 6 2.2 turbo petrol engine that develops power from 150 to 192 hp, marketable differentiated in three trim levels .

Last, the Land Rover Range Rover, updated , lighter , refined and technologically advanced engine , this car is raised with 4 4 V8 petrol supercharged V6 , V8 diesel equipment with Vogue and Autobiography HSE .

Understanding Your Car's Engine Control Unit (ECU)

Understanding Your Car's
Understanding Your Car's Engine Control Unit (ECU)

These days, you will find new cars with the latest incorporated engine technology. The engine of a car has undergone a massive change, right from the age old carburetor to the Engine Control Unit (ECU). In the 19th century, when the first single-cylinder petrol engine driver car came into force, it was the "Carburetor" that came into existence. Later on, multi cylinder engines were considered as a new thing. Finally, in the early 80's we got a new car system, consisting of controlled - feeding of fuel, air and ignition spark to the ICE cylinders. It was the fuel-injection system that was born, which replaced the century old carburetors. In a multi point fuel injection system, it injects fuel into individual cylinders. The injection of the fuel takes place on the basis of the commands from the "on board engine management system" computer. This computer is known as the engine control unit or the ECU.

The main process based job of an engine control unit (ECU) is to control the various features of an internal combustion engine's operation. Earlier, the ECU that was fitted in most of the cars and had their engine parameters fixed. Also, the carburetor would determine the required quantity of fuel per cylinder/per engine cycle. In other words, the simple version of the ECU'S would control only the quantity of fuel injected into each cylinder, at each engine cycle. The advanced types of engine control unit (ECU), which are fitted on most modern cars, are capable of controlling the ignition timing, variable value timing (VVT) and other peripherals.

The ECU'S (Engine control unit) monitors the engine by using sensors so that it can gather information about the cars quantity of fuel, ignition timing and other such parameters. The ECU works according to the input data that it gets from the various sensors that are located within the engine. The various types of sensors that are fitted all over the engine are MAP sensor, throttle position sensor, air temperature sensor, oxygen sensor and many more. The sensors incorporated within the engine, are basically used to determine the various "operating states of the engine and its performance. These sensors monitor's various aspects such as the ambient air temperature, engine/coolant temperature, exhaust /main fold temp, exhaust O2 content, throttle position, the rpm of the engine, the vehicle road speed and crankshaft position. The ECU (Engine Control Unit) uses the closed -loop control method, where it monitors the output of a system in order to control the inputs to a system. Since, the ECU (Engine Control Unit) gathers data from various different sensors, it knows all about the coolant temperature to the amount of oxygen in the exhaust. On the basis of this available data, the ECU (Engine Control Unit) starts performing huge calculations every second. On the bases of the programmed interpretation of all the available input data, the ECU ( Engine Control Unit) will deliver the required commands to the engine's fuel intake and spark ignition timings system and thus help in bringing out a satisfactory performance of the car's engine.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Turbo Diesel Cars - Are They Worth Considering

Turbo Diesel Cars
Turbo Diesel Cars - Are They Worth Considering

As of 2006, approximately half of all new car registrations in Europe were turbo diesel cars. The popularity of this type of car sprung out of the improvements it gives in fuel economy, noise reduction/elimination, vibration, and harshness.

Taking a closer look at the diesel engine you will find out that it has lesser speed range of about 1,000 to 5,000 rpm for private cars. This makes it ideal for turbo charging since the turbo will not exert much to change speed. Turbo lag is also reduced and efficiency is much more improved in a turbo diesel engine.

Since diesel engines need much compressed air to achieve ignition, there is no need to fit in dump valves, which could be an additional cost. Diesel cars do not have the throttle plates that close down when the car decelerates from a boost. The main function of the dump valve for the petrol-driven car is to serve as the bypass gadget for the extra pressure that has built up due to the closing of the throttle. This compressed air at very high temperature needs a way out else it will go back and eventually damage the engine.

Diesel cars have no use for the dump valve because their engines are built to use high-temperature compressed air. Performance is much better n a turbo diesel since there is hardly any lag in the next boost. With a gas-run car, the dump valve delays the next boost when gears are shifted.

In terms of fuel economy, turbo diesel cars are much more efficient. These cars can gain the much-needed power, plus more without waste of fuel. Fuel is burnt efficiently at an increased level to achieve optimum power. In diesel cars, the pressure that tends to increase the speed of the engine controls the turbocharger - but this is dependent on the load.

Additional load to the diesel engine would result to greater resistance to the cylinders. Increased combustion and high temperature beget increased pressure and temperature on the exhaust gas. This revs up the car at a faster speed compared to a diesel car with less load ran on the same rpm.

Turbo diesel engines were used for light trucks in the 1990s in the United States. During that time, the diesel fuel had high sulphur content that caused a lot of problems with emissions. This was the reason why a lot of sedans, station wagons, and hatchbacks that have diesel engines did not sell as much.

In 2006, the ultra-low sulphur diesel came out in the market and manufacturers started to produce turbo diesels that run on this new fuel, with much attention on lowering emissions.

Turbo charging would also depend on the car to be modified. Take note that turbochargers increase the speed of the engine, which means there is increased temperature. The car to be fitted with a turbo diesel engine should be well equipped to withstand this heat.

Top Five Reasons Why Men Love Cars

Top Five Reasons Why Men Love Cars
Top Five Reasons Why Men Love Cars

Wondering why men love cars so much? Although we are not generalizing, but so far most men are identified to have this strange affinity to cars, speed and racing. They are very fussy and meticulous when it comes to pampering and cleaning their cars. They would even spend hours watching race shows like F1 and other illustrious car shows. Perhaps, their fondness to cars and velocity has something to do with their varying adrenaline level and male sex hormone testosterone. Scientifically, both adrenaline and testosterone are associated to high aggression level. Nevertheless, we cannot single out these two factors as the only reasons why men love cars so much. To help us understand better the relationship of men and cars, let us discuss other possible explanation as to why men are so attached with their automobiles.

Gain Acceptance
Who would ever thought that men are also afraid of rejection? Some men would even refer to their cars as the perfect partner. Cars can offer security and give pride to their respective owners. That is why some women who have car enthusiast boyfriends and life partners are at risk of developing relationship problems because of jealousy over one automobile. Some may even call their partner's car as the mistress, as some men would invest more money or quality time to their cars as compared to their real life partners.

Acceptance could also mean being socially adequate. Men love to hang out. However, society tends to become stereotypes. There are individuals who only hang out with people who are able to drive the best cars and those who live in the best houses. If you can't join the group, then you are definitely out.

Cars Are Part Of Their Everyday Life - It is A Necessity
Family men love their cars because they can take their families wherever and whenever. Working men on the other hand, takes pride of their cars because it helps them to get to work on time. Cars are their work partners. Both invest in their cars because they believe that their automobiles are important part of their lives.

Comfort Buddy
Men are not affectionate in nature. However, did you know that there are men who pour out their emotions to their cars? Cars are even given names. Perhaps, the reason why it is easier for men to be affectionate to their cars as compared to real live people is because cars are inanimate. They don't respond. However, they can be good listeners.

Satisfying The Need For Speed
Men are competitive individuals. They always want to be the number one. For this reason, there are men who like to drive fast so that they will be in front of everyone else. On the other hand, speed can be a good stress reliever for some men. Men also feel frustrated. It can be the daily stresses from work or from home. Some use speed to clear out their thoughts. Nevertheless, driving fast is not a very good way to remove tension because of the possibility of accidents.

When a man is behind the wheel, he is in absolute control. If he wants to go fast, he can. If he wants to slowdown, he can too. Men like to be the head. However, power should not get over his head or else he will start breaking traffic rules.

Men and cars are inseparable. Men's fascination with cars is just like women's interest with shoes. However, both should know their boundaries. There's nothing wrong in loving cars or shoes. Then again, to have the right perspective, set the right priorities and know that things are not permanent and they are bound to go haywire someday.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Top Cars Named After Countries, States and Planets

Top Cars Named
Top Cars Named After Countries, States and Planets

After doing enough digging for an off-the-beaten-path topic to write about cars, I've come across everything from driver safety tips on down to a list of vehicles named after animals. And it's the last one idea that led me to write about some of the most well-known (and relatively obscure) cars and trucks named after a country, city or even better, a planet.

On top of that, I'll give a little bio on when they were introduced to the masses, whether they were discontinued or "slightly modified" to something else. You know, like how a Cobalt became the Cruze. Has a much crisper sound to it, I guess.

So, here's a handful of cars named after some of our most popular destinations... except for outer space, unless you've been witness to it and then, well, you're lucky.

1. Chevrolet Tahoe: Before the name change in 1995 from its original moniker as the Chevy Blazer, this full-size SUV shares the same alias as a lively lake/ski resort in California. And with the right car accessories, you can make the Tahoe car just as swanky as the city.

2. Maserati Indy: This one's an oldie, but a goodie. As a homage to the great race held over Memorial Day, this Maserati model had a brief lifespan from 1969 to 1975.

3. Chevrolet Malibu: One of the most notable cars in the Chevrolet lineup, this mainstay in the hearts of many in the U.S. and other regions outside have related to the warm, fuzzy feelings of the beach town it's named for. Until the late 70's, this model was known as the Chevelle... not a state, but the name was catchy enough anyways.

4. Ferrari California: Back in the mid to late 1950's, the Ferrari 250 GT was nicknamed California, and it wasn't until around 2008 that this super high-performance vehicle was permanently bestowed the moniker of this sunny, coastal and free-spirited state.

5. Hyundai Santa Fe & Tucson: I figured I lump these two into each other and point out that Hyundai apparently loved the great Southwest so much it went ahead and appointed these states as much.

6. Chevrolet Bel Air: Noticing a trend with Chevrolet, yet? Well that's because California cities have received a lot of attention with current, and past, models. The Bel Air had a great body design that leaned more towards the "boaty" cars than current, more aerodynamic models. And it had a great run of about 25 years of production up until 1975. I'm sure if you look hard enough in auctions or the classifieds, you'll find some collectors who still appreciate their design.

7. Mercury Milan: I've always loved the sound of this one, mostly because I want to visit Italy (it's a bucket list sort of thing). Anyways, this car shared similar build to the Crown Victoria... but a little more slick in the aerodynamics and power. While it only had a shelf life for a little over 6 years, it was still a notable one nonetheless.

8. Chevrolet Vega: Now there's a little variety. Taking a break from the states and cities, Chevrolet had a subcompact car named after the constellations. One of the brightest stars in the constellation Lyra, to be exact. This model could be found on roadways between 1971-1977.

And while there's a few more I could throw up here, it's better I leave it a little more condensed to some of my favorites. So now that you've seen this list, what are some other funny, unique monikers of cars?

Friday, May 4, 2018

Tips When Paying For Cars For Sale Overseas

Tips When Paying
Tips When Paying For Cars For Sale Overseas

Buying a car can be a difficult task. And, it gets even worse, if you are opting for cars for sale overseas. Of course, buying cars overseas have numerous benefits. For one, you can find cheaper vehicles. Next, you can find rare vehicles that are not available in your area. And, most cars from other countries are in good condition. However, before finalizing your purchase, it is important that you know the best practices in paying. Below are some tips that you need to consider.

Know exchange rates before paying

First and foremost, it is best for car buyers to know the exchange rates before paying. Currency exchange can alter unexpectedly. As a result, when paying for cars for sale overseas, there are instances that your payment maybe insufficient which can affect your purchase and expenses. So, before paying, it is best that you know exchange rates of currencies. Knowing exchange rates can also help you determine if the value of the car is suitable.

Opt for online banking services

The next thing that car buyers need to do when paying for cars for sale overseas is to opt for online banking services. There are cases when individuals do not have sufficient time to do such tasks due to their obligations at home and at work. Thus, paying for the car can be quite impossible. By opting for online banking services, car buyers can transact with sellers easily and efficiently. Plus, online banking services have lower fees which can help you cut down expenses.

Try out direct banking

Surely, online banking can be convenient, but there are instances when this option is dangerous especially if sellers do not have a safe online payment option. Therefore, personal information as well as banking details can be obtained by hackers which can affect your finances. Because of this, it is also a great idea for car buyers to try out direct banking. When opting for direct banking, individuals can transfer funds more efficiently. Additionally, opting for direct banking services can also help individuals secure their banking details since banking employees will handle the transaction for you.

Look for trusted third party solutions

In case that you wish to keep your banking details on private, it is also a good option to look for trusted third party solutions. When using such option, you can prevent problems that may affect your finances. However, third party solutions are quite slower. And, some companies have higher rates.

These are only some of the things that car buyers need to know when paying for cars for sale overseas.

Tips to Get Cash For Junk Cars

Tips to Get Cash For Junk Cars
Tips to Get Cash For Junk Cars

If you are tired of looking at the rusty junk car that has been sitting in your garage for ages, it is best to get rid of it. You can sell your junk cars in a day and you can earn a good profit out of them, so, there is a way in which you can get rid of your junk car in a day.

Indeed, the competition in the automotive industry is on an all time high, and many dealers would purchase your scrap car to use its parts as they still have value, whereas others would purchase it to turn it into a cost effective old usable car that can be resold. So, there are a many takers for your old junk vehicles. The best thing you can do is to give a call to the junk yard owners and inquire about the car.

You can take a rough quote from them and learn the true value of your car, and depending on the make, model, and condition of it, they will quote a lower or a higher price. You can get an idea about how much cash for junk cars they are willing to pay you.

If your reason is to get rid of the junk car in a day then it is best to go online and check out the automotive dealers that operate by buying and selling junk cars. Make a list of the best dealers in your area and call them, also, you can contact the junk yard dealers to get an idea about the value of your car. You can choose to visit the most reliable ones which are popular in your area so they can assess your car's value and tell you how much money for junk cars they can afford to pay.

You must ask them if they would provide towing services or you would have to get your car towed, because this may impact the final profit you make on your junk car. Indeed, if you have to pay towing services then you might be looking at a $150 expense, so if you were to get $300 cash for your junk car then you would be down half of the selling price.

The best way to go go in order to avoid all this hassle and ensure a smooth transaction, is to go online and get an instant quote from a reputable service that is sure to give you cash for your junk car fast and always with free towing included.